➮That Is How Love Is

Seeing that Kavya's phone was ringing, Sraboni called and received the phone with a lot of annoyance even though she was fast asleep.

Poetry: Hello.
Sraboni: You are still sleeping, what time do you notice?
Kavya: What time is it, and why do you call?
Sraboni: What ???? It's 11 o'clock and you're still asleep. You shouldn't see us today.
Kavya: It's 11 o'clock, don't sleep for a while and see you in the afternoon?

Sraboni: No, you will come now and come and see me in 20 minutes or you have news, Sraboni hung up the phone. Kavya realizes that Sraboni is very angry now if she doesn't meet him then she really has news. So he left the bed in fear and anger and went to freshen up. Kavya is now an honorary 2nd-year student of New Gov: Degree College and an inter 2nd-year student of Sraboni Women's College and both of them live in Rajshahi. They were introduced in a slightly different way. Kavya went to call one of her friends and mistakenly called Sraboni's number. He likes talking to Sravani for a while.

Then Kavya would call Shravani from time to time and they would talk to each other. Later on, the level of conversation increased and as a result, a very good friendship developed between them. They used to meet occasionally and after a while, they realized that they fell in love with each other. One afternoon Kavya told Sravani about her love. Sravani was very happy because Sravani and Kavya loved each other so much that she easily agreed. And since then, their love of anger and arrogance has started. They love each other a lot but if they don't express it face to face, the love will diminish and that's true. Kavya came out fresh and ate something light and got out of the rickshaw. Just then someone called Kavya Bhaiya from behind. Kavya looked back and saw Nidhi Hapache Nidhi is Sraboni's girlfriend and she sees Kavya as her own brother and Kavya is like her own forest.

Kavya: What's the matter, Nidhi?
Nidhi: Brother Abbu is in medical condition. He will need a bag and positive blood in the emergency stage. The doctor said that if he cannot donate blood soon, there will be a problem.
Kavya: Has it collected blood?
Nidhi: No brother, not yet, what will happen now brother. Suddenly Kavya remembered that her blood group was positive so she told Nidhi
Kavya: Hey, my blood is also positive, get up early.
Nidhi: Hmm, brother, let's go.

Kavya went with Nidhi and gave blood to her father. After getting blood, Nidhi's father is now free from danger. After giving blood, Kavya got up from the bed and saw that her head was spinning. She was about to get out of the cabin. Omni knocked on the door and Nidhi ran and grabbed Kavya.

Nidhi: Brother, you are fine.
Kavya: I'm fine, no problem.
Nidhi: Shall I bring you home?
Kavya: No, no, I'm fine, I can't go home now. I have to meet Shravan. She has been waiting for me for a long time. Maybe she is very angry.
Nidhi: Brother, you can go in this situation, even if you meet later?
Kavya: No, I'm fine. I can go. No problem. You go to your father. You need to stay there.
Nidhi: All right, go carefully.

Meanwhile, Sraboni has been calling Kavya but Kavya doesn't have a name to pick up the phone. She will pick up the phone. With great difficulty, Kavya got out of the medical school and took a rickshaw to their familiar place, the Padma Garden, where they often visit. When he went, he saw Sraboni sitting quietly and Kavya approached him and said
Kavya: Sorry Sraboni, it's too late, in fact ......

Sraboni: You don't have to say anything anymore. You're coming after 20 minutes. Since when have I been sitting alone for you? Didn't you remember my words?
Kavya: Actually, I got out of the house just in time to get on the rickshaw. This time Sravani said without letting Kavya say anything

Sraboni: I didn't say you don't have to say anything else and you didn't answer the phone, you know how much tension I was having.
Kavya put her hand in her pocket and saw that she did not have a mobile phone.
Kavya: Actually, I forgot the phone because I was coming early and left it at home.
Sraboni: Why are you so careless? I am very angry. You would have stayed in front of me.
Kavya: You listen to me once.

Sravani: I don't want to hear anything from you. You go from here. Kavya knows that now even if he says a thousand things, it will not be of any use because if Shravani gets angry, he will not listen to any words and meanwhile Kavya's body is feeling very bad so he can't say

Kavya: Can you take me a little further to the rickshaw Abdi? (To the tune of Karuna)
Sraboni: You don't have to pretend anymore. You are coming alone. Go alone. (Extra anger)

Hearing that, Kavya feels very bad. Kavya is walking from there with great difficulty for the purpose of a rickshaw. Sraboni looked at him once and saw that Kavya was taking a toll while walking. He felt very bad for Kavya. After a while, his anger increased again so he removed his face from Kavya's side. Then Kavya took a rickshaw from there and went home and got sick. The next day Nidhi met Sraboni, Nidhi told Sraboni

Nidhi: How is Kavya Vaiya's body now?
Sraboni: How are you? What do you mean? (Surprised)
Nidhi: Why don't you know something (he also said in surprise)
Sraboni: No, you used to say a little openly.

Nidhi: In fact, yesterday, my father suddenly became very ill and the doctor told me to give a bag of blood soon, but I couldn't find any blood. As soon as Kavya Bhaiya was told this, Kavya Bhaiya said that his blood group is also his father's blood type, so Kavya Bhaiya gave blood to Abbu and Abbu is now quite healthy but after donating blood, I know how Kavya Bhaiya was feeling dizzy, so I said I will take you home. I left to meet you. You have to wait a lot for me, friend. After hearing the words of Sraboni, he could not control himself. He did not listen to the words of the poem. No, he can't think of himself feeling very guilty. Without thinking, he took out the phone and called Kavya, but when Kavya's phone was switched off, his fear increased and he told Nidhi without thinking.

Sraboni: Hurry up (Tarahuro)
Nidhi: Where (surprised)
Sraboni: I will understand when I go.

They both came in front of Kavya's house. Standing in front of the door, Kavya's mother came and opened the door as soon as the bell rang.

Sraboni: Assalamu Alaikum Aunty.
Kabir's mother: Walaikum Assalaam, who are your mothers.
Sraboni: Actually Aunty we are friends of poetry.
Kavya's mother: In fact, Kavya is a little sick. She is in her room. You go, mother.

Sraboni: OK Aunty.
Sravani and Nidhi went to Kavya's room and saw that Kavya was lying. Sravani ran without thinking and sat next to Kavya holding her hand and started crying. Kavya was a little surprised to see Sravani.
Kavya: Hey, why are you here, and why are you crying?

Sraboni: Sorry Kavya, I have told you many things without understanding. Please forgive me.
Kavya: Hey crazy, I didn't think anything. Please stop crying.
Sraboni: First tell me you have forgiven me.

Sraboni: Yesterday you had a lot of trouble.
Kavya: Hmm, but it's nice to have you now.
Sraboni: I will never let you suffer like that again, I love you so much.

Kavya: I love you too crazy.
Nidhi stood at a distance and watched their love and smiled. In fact, the real love of the car is like this, there must be pride in love because these are a part of love and some mistakes, if we bring the people of love closer, sometimes it is not bad to make such a mistake.