➮Silent love of the cursed night

My name is blue Boy so I thought life would be ruined if I fell in love, that's exactly what a beautiful start but the end was like a cursed night,
At 8 o'clock in the morning, the alarm on my mobile called me as usual, washed my hands and face, had breakfast, and left home to go to college.

Even though I was far away from Mess College, I waited for the bus on the road. After waiting for a long time, when the bus did not come, I took a rickshaw where I could go with 5 rupees and went with 30 rupees.
Going to college, I played a crush according to my own rules, this time I could not calm my eyes when I saw the crush once again, Abir pushed from behind.

- What's the matter, Kiri Neel? I have never seen a girl twice in my life. What happened today? I looked at her for 12 minutes. The girl has left. Are you still looking at the car?
- Who are you talking about when I looked at someone again? I was trying to understand the figure of Sir on the board
- Am I a kid? Do you have to believe what you tell me? I stayed with the girl for 10 minutes in a row, the girl left 2 minutes ago, you didn't even understand that mama, how many numbers is this?

- Wait a minute, I need a treat?
- You have taken treatment from me all your life. What is the reason for giving treatment to you today, Mamu? Something special or uncle?
- Mama, this is my 100th crush, I think when the century is over, consider it the last crush of my life and declare the innings, well, when I don't need a treat, I have to find the girl

Saying this, Neel gave a run,
Abir was still standing there wondering what Neel had said. Did the boy fall in love or not?
Neil didn't play the girl that day, everything Abir said at night,
- What are you doing, Abir? What time is it? Can I come to my mess?
- You wait, I'm coming!

Neel and Abir are very good friends so once Abir came to Neel,
- Did you suddenly call me today? And where did I run from college in the morning?
- Please be patient, I'm telling you, listen, I was not staying with the girl in the morning? I didn't fall in love with that girl, where did that girl fall? Where can I get the phone number I need?
- What would have happened if the story had been told then? The girl studied with us but in another section, and you don't go to college without exams, you only go to college for 5 days in a year, so don't snatch the girl, the girl's name is Sonali, do you need a number? Add address? Dimmu collect everything but have to give a special treat!
- I'll get everything you need, Mama, please get the full address for everything by tomorrow, and I'll wait in front of the college gate at nine tomorrow, I'll come,
- Well, I'll find out. You're in college. It's been a long night. Let's go today

Neel Abir came forward from the front of the mess, came to the mess and called Abir again,
- Sorry mama, please don't say the girl's name again, I forgot,
- Since you forgot, wait a little today, I'll give you the full biodata of the girl tomorrow, I'll give you a clue, the girl's name is like the name of a color,

Saying that, Abir cut the phone line, Neel couldn't think of the girl's name after thinking for 3 hours, green? Yellow? Red? Azure? Orange? Black? Before going to sleep, Neel thought that the girl's name might be orange, could the name of such a beautiful girl be orange? But not sure, Neil slept with a lot of tension,

Neel woke up very early this morning, maybe in the tension of all the girls, Neel was ready to go to college after washing his hands and face, today he went out to Neel to go to college, he got ready because he thought that Judi met the girl,
When I went to college, I saw Abir standing at the gate,

- Do you know everything, Mama?
- Before, let's go to the canteen. You were saying treat me, so I'm not eating from home.
- Come on, now order whatever you want, tell me now? Well, the girl's name is orange? Not right? After thinking for 3 hours, I realized that Nare?
- I already knew you could not do easy work, the girl's name is Sonali, number -017 ....., address -.... Sylhet,

- Is the girl single or single?
- Will I forget if it's Mingle? Won't you declare the innings in your 100th crash?
- If Mingle, I will try to win the girl by fielding tight bowling better,
- Well done son I thought you would bat more, but this time it seems you can win this run, the girl is single but there is a problem, I learned from the girl's girlfriend that the girl will not make love before marriage!

- What's the matter, son of a bitch? All the bans inside the girl, I will get out and finish the 5-day match in 3 days. Can you talk to me about the girl today?
- Not today, tomorrow, I think of you and your future. Let's go to the restaurant with class fucks. You don't have tension. I can catch well. I am in love with Sonali's girlfriend. Everything will be arranged.
- Hey Mama, you can be seen fielding like Nasir Hossain, you put the relationship on me, I'll

Returning to the blue mess like that day, calling home after returning to the mess,
- Hello mom, how are you? How are you, Dad?
- I'm fine, Dad, but my father is fine too, I don't remember what you said. Do you need a call today?
- Yes, mother says sir, it will cost a couple of thousand rupees to buy a few books
- Well, I'll tell your father he'll send it in the evening
- Well, Mommy said to send it today, Mess's older brother is calling, God bless Hafez Mommy

He hung up the phone saying that he had brought a lot of money in the name of blue book for many months of 204 months of his life, but today he lied and brought money in front of Sonali to express himself by paying the bill for everything, and to fill Abir's stomach.

Neel is sitting ready in the morning
Time Abir called,
- Where are you, Kiri Neel?
- Where are you in the mess?
- Don't you have a restaurant next to our college? I am thinking of the future, and I am in the restaurant with my future wife, I was saying that I will eat at Shakib Al Hasan's restaurant, come and eat at this today, Abir cut off the call,

Neil quickly got out of the mess and appeared in front of the restaurant, standing in front of the restaurant and making a call
- Where are you, Kiri Abir? I am standing in front of the restaurant
Abir came in front of the restaurant and took Abir inside!
Then Neel made Abir talk to Sonali and Abir's goof,

Neel then tried to be friendly with Sonali, in a few days this Neel and Sonali became very good friends, Sonali's friendship with Neel for about 1 year, Neel visited many places with Sonali in this 1 year, tried to convince Sonali in various ways that Neel loves Sonali, But even if Sonali understood, she would not let Neel understand. She loved Sonali and Neel but did not express it, because Sonali's Aoke forbidden love, blue and gold, just as would propose,

- Hi Sonali, what are you doing? Can you see me tomorrow
- Where to come? When to come again?
- You come to this address, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and listen, you come in a blue sari,
- I will come tomorrow, see you tomorrow, keep it now, my mother is calling, God forbid,
Saying this, Sonali hung up the phone, this time Neel called her mother,
- How are you, mom? How are you, Dad?

- Everyone is fine, how many days later did I call? If I call, don't you have time to pick up the phone?
- Sorry, mom, I'll call you regularly from now on,
- What happened again today? Need money?
- Yes, mother, I don't have any money now, so some money
- Well, I'll send it to Bikashe in a while, and remember to call regularly,
- Okay, God bless you

Neel slept at 3 o'clock that night thinking about what would happen tomorrow, and Neel woke up at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Neel woke up, brushed his teeth, took a bath, then who called Sonali?
- Are you coming?
- Yes, I'll be there on time. Don't get tense. Sonali hung up the phone.

Neel said again with the message I think to come after the blue sari
Sonali thought that Judy would go to see her wearing a blue sari like Neel, so maybe Neel would think that I love Neel, even though Sonali wanted to, she didn't go to see Neel after wearing a blue sari,

On the other hand, he read the blue 'blue' Punjabi and sat and waited for Sonali. He bought a red rose while going to Neel. Neel waited for a long time and called Sonali.

- Hello Sonali, where are you? I've been sitting for about 2 hours
- Wait another 10 minutes. I'm coming.
Blue sat down, noticed that gold was coming, but the golden blue sari did not fall,

- Didn't I tell you to come wearing a blue sari?
- I don't have any blue sari, does red look too bad?
- Nah, nothing like that, you look so beautiful, I want to tell you something, can you stand a little?
Neel sat on his knees and said
- You know, no star shines in my sky, Sonali. I love you from the day I first saw you, I know you don't like these, will you marry me?

- Sorry, Neil, I can't love you, my parents arranged the marriage when I was young, I can't love you with my parents in pain, and I didn't think of you more than just a friend, a thousand boys like you lined up behind me Talk to you soon and keep up the good content. You don't have to worry about me getting in the way of my family status. Never try to meet me again. Sonali left

As soon as he heard the word, the sky seemed to fall on Neel's head, without giving Neel a chance to say anything, Sonali leaves because Sonali knows Neel can't say anything else, he left the blue rose there and returned home that day, about 2 months later Back then, Neel never met Sonali again. When he returned to the city, he called Abir.
- Where are you?

- Remember to me after all this time? Where have you been Why was the number closed for so long?
- A little Ashis in my mess when the time comes
After a while Abir came to the mess, whenever Neel could tell Abir, Abir said,

- No need to say anything, I know everything, forget the things in front of the exam and study carefully,
Abir noticed that Neel was smoking without hearing from anywhere,
-Kire Neel, when did you add your name to the list of smokers, you didn't like all this? So why are you smoking now?
- Abir didn't smoke before, can't he now? What does this mean? This cigarette has been my best friend since the last day I met Sonali, I feel very lonely without a cigarette, I have to spend the rest of my life like this!

- I can't give up this bad habit. Sonali gave me this letter to give it to you. Sonali is no more in this world. She died a few days ago. She had blood cancer. If I want to, I can go to college.
Abir went on to say this, as soon as Neil heard this, the burning cigarette fell from his hand to his feet, Neel did not understand anything, he did not even understand that his feet were burning, he just started reading the letter with tears in his eyes.

I noticed you on the first day. You looked at me for 10 minutes straight. You know, Neil, I loved you too, but I didn't express it. You might love me when you find out my blood cancer. Destroyed, I may have suffered a lot that day, I never wanted you to suffer for me, I wanted you to hurt me. Hate me, because you can only forget me if you hate me, you know Neil wanted to dream about you too, but then I thought of my own illness, so I couldn't love you even if I wanted to, you know Neil love is beautiful as long as we love us I can't say I love people, you know why I didn't wear a blue sari that day because I wanted to hate you, I love you Who lied that day to get married from my childhood, who would marry a girl with blood cancer from birth? And if I got married I would do it to you, you may not have noticed that day that my eyes were burning, you were very busy with your own suffering then You didn't try to understand my pain, I cried a lot that day, I really wanted to live with you, I wanted to be the star in your sky. Was, you better be blue '

Not understanding what Neel would do, he started crying even more than before. No one heard Neel's cry that day,
He started walking down the street with a pack of blue cigarettes. Suddenly, the cigarette slipped out of his hand. As he was about to pick up the blue cigarette, a truck hit him. The road turned red with blue blood.