➮The Sacrifice Of Acting Is Love

Orpa dressed up a lot today. Orc said on the phone last night that there was a surprise on campus at 10 am. He went back to dressing up 6 months ago. At the beginning of their introduction,
Miraj: Dude, you know a girl has come to our department. It looks like the whole Hindi movie Nike.
Orc: That's right. Let's see. Miraj: But the girl speaks less. I am trying a lot to persuade, but it is not happening.
Orc: All right, if I can, tell me?
Miraj: I don't think I can.
Orc: Bet him with you.
 Miraj: All right, let's show the girl.
Orpa was sitting in the canteen then. Miraj told Orc,

Miraj: Yes, let's see what you do!
Orc came over and sat down. Orc was staring at Orpa then.
Orc dared not think of anything else,
Orc: Hello I'm Orc. Please tell me your name?

Arpa: I am Arpa.
Orc: Which department?
Arpa: Social Welfare 2014-15 Session.
Orc: Hey with me.
In the middle of the conversation, a friend of Orpar came and said,
Orpar girlfriend: Why not go to class? Let's go ...
Orpa left. Miraj came to Orc.
Miraj: What did Kiri say?
Orc: Nothing more. Let's go.

Thus a few days went by just hi, hello. Orpa actually speaks less. Not more than one important thing. Pretty good to see. Nowadays, when boys see beauty, don't they eat something কিছুটা something of that type. However, he moves quite decently. One day Orc suddenly said to Orpa ,

Orc: Can I talk to you?
Arpa: Hmm.
Orc: Can you give me your number?
Arpa: What do you mean by my number?
Orc: I mean your phone number.
Arpa: I understand Seto from the beginning. Why?
Orc: Actually, you always come to college, take classes. Suggestions could have been found if the number.
Arpa: You also come to class every day. And I can not give the number Sorry!

Orpa said this and left. After many attempts, the number could not be taken. A few days later Orpa was looking at books at the seminar. Put the mobile on the table. Suddenly a friend of Orc came and took the mobile in his hand and gave a call to Orc's number. Then he left. Orpa doesn't know anything about it. However, he returned home after class. 10 o'clock at night. Orpa is reading. Then a call came from Unknown Number. Receive Karlona Arpa. Received after 3-4 hours of a call.

Arpa: Who says?
Orc: I know you very well.
Arpa: What do you mean by familiar? I do not know you.
Orc: I used to think, who can I be!
Arpa: Look, introduce yourself, or I'll keep it.
Orc: All right. I'm Orc.
Arpa: But I have nothing to do with you. Don't bother. I'm keeping.
Orc: Please Arpa is important. I need some suggestions.
Arpa: What's the suggestion?
Orcs: Tests. I do not have It is very beneficial.

They talked like this for a long time. At the end of the talk, Arpa thinks that the boy is not as bad as I thought. Lots of mixer type. You can't laugh without listening. This is how they often talked. Little by little they became good friends. Arpa is sitting on campus one day after about 2-3 months. Orc also came and sat next to him. Both are silent. Orc sat down.

Ork: Orp, I'll tell you something!
 Arpa: What do you say?
Orc: I want to say without any fuss. I fell in love with you
Arpa: What do you mean? What are you talking about!
Orc: I mean I love you. I don't know when I fell in love with you so much. I can't say it out of fear. I can't control myself anymore.
Orpa: It doesn't happen Orc. We are good friends. Try to understand.
Orc: I don't know anything. This is my last word I want you And I gave time till 12 o'clock at night to think. Keep the answer correct.

After saying this, Orc left. I can't think what Orpa will do. He never faced such a situation again. Orpa has not been able to read since evening. Just a thought in my head. What will he say to Orc? 12 o'clock at night. Orc is calling but not receiving. Orpa received the call after about 50 hours.

Orc: Why did it take so long to receive?
Arpa: That's why my phone was silent.
 Orc: Hmm. Give the answer.
 Orpa: Orc you try to understand. We are good friends. I can't think of all this.
Orc: All right, did you say anything? Look, if you give me back I'll do something very bad.
Arpa: No, don't say that. Give me some more time.
 Orc: You keep thinking. When the thinking is over, don't worry about me anymore. After that, I will take sleeping pills at 10 o'clock and go to sleep completely.

Orc speaking in a voice involving tears. 😥 In fact, what boys usually do to seduce girls. And the minds of girls are naturally a kind of emotion. After hearing that, what can be right !!
Orpa: Orc, please don't say that. I love you
Orc: Are you telling the truth?
Arpa: Hmm. You don't even eat a tablet.

Thus began the chapter of their new life.
Orpar was the first love. So he fell in love with Orc. If you don't talk a little or if you don't see, it's like going crazy.

It is 10 o'clock in the morning. Orc must be angry. Orpah got ready and came to the campus. Nah the boy hasn't come yet. Survived. Orpa is waiting. Why is it so late? He is also giving off the phone. What happened !!! 😔 After about 1 hour Orpa saw Miraj coming. He ran to Miraj. Miraj left without saying a word to Arpa. He was not at all ready for what was written in the letter. It was written,

 In Orc's letter: Orpa, I fell in love with you by betting with my friends. In fact, I love you or Nidhi. It's been 1 year. Speaking of our marriage. Be happy with someone new. I'm sorry. What I have done so far was acting.

What a surprise Orc! Orpa broke down in tears. It's getting black all around. Nah it's not possible at all. He who is loved so much cannot do that. He acted instead of love.
What a game you have in Bidhata!
Arpa: What harm have I done to cause such a great punishment!

Arpa started crying while muttering these things. In fact, the minds of girls are gentle in nature. And easily makes people believe in you. So maybe more cheating. And that's how beautiful relationships are ruined. There is some difficulty in covering the ground. Maybe no one understands that. 😥