The end Result of Love - 2

Spare me, sibling!
I heard the word and looked back. I was strolling alone out and about. Suddenly a girl grabbed me and said "Brother, save me from that man."

The girl is impossible to look beautiful. Reading wedding dress, mehendi in hand. Suddenly a man came and told me to leave my wife. I do not know what to do. I looked at the girl for a moment helplessly looking at me. .

I told the man I would call the police if he didn't want to leave. running towards me. I punched the man in the ear with all my might. The man sat on the ground with his hand in his ear. I hurried home with the girl. Mother opened the door as soon as the bell rang. Mother was surprised to see the girl with me and looked at me. I took the girl inside and sat her in the drawing room. Immediately my father also came. Mother said,
- Who is the girl?
-The girl was in danger on the road so I brought her.
- Are you telling the truth or something else.
-Truth be told.

Mom didn't tell me anything. I persuaded both parents to give shelter to the girl tonight. Mother said that the girl should leave in the morning. The young lady inhaled a murmur of help.

I brought some food to ask the girl to be fresh. It seems that she has not eaten anything all day today. The girl seems calm for a while now. I asked the girl what really happened?
I noticed some inertia in the girl. I told the girl fearlessly, "Believe me, when you come with me, tell the whole story. I will attempt to help as much as could be expected under the circumstances. This time he stated,

 "My name is Ahna. My folks got separated from when I was 10 years of age. I stayed with my father for a few days at first. About 1 year later my father got married again. My stepmother could not stand me. Even though she treated me well in front of my father. He would put his hand on my body. He would tell me to leave the house. I told my father about it. My father scolded my honest mother very much.
Saying that neither the girl nor the wife has to choose one of the two. Dad then sent me to my own mother. I came to my mother and saw that she was married to another mother. She had a 6-month-old son in her lap.

After my mother's current husband came back from exile, my mother left me in a hostel. Both mother and father used to come to see me from time to time. Thus, I passed H, S, C from the hostel. Then my father admitted me to Dhaka University and brought me to his house. But my stepmother never accepted me. I was having a hard time. One day my father died in a road accident. Then the stepmother told me to go to my mother. At that time I requested the stepmother to stay at home. The stepmother said that it is not possible to study. I agree not to see Upayantar. In this way many days pass. After a few days, the friend of the honest mother often started coming. Sometimes he would stay at night. My mother married my son of that friend.
I wanted to run away but I spent two days wandering the streets starving. I was forced to go back to my honest mother without seeing Upayantar. I agreed to get married thinking that I would be able to eat twice and not have to endure torture.

He often came to our house to talk to me about my marriage and insisted on talking to me
Trying to say. In any case, I didn't care for it by any stretch of the imagination. Slowly the wedding day came closer. After the marriage, I went to my father-in-law's house. Rich house. There is no lack of anything but a great lack of humanity. I entered the living room. My relative is a generally excellent individual. I didn't understand what was going to happen to me. Suddenly my husband grabbed my mother-in-law's hand and dragged her away. Some of her friends were helping my husband in this task. After some time, four people entered the room with my husband. What occurred next is history. Husband is sitting on the sofa drinking and laughing. People started touching his body in a very awkward way. I tried to escape from the bed without thinking what to do. But they caught me. Then I hit a man on the head with a vase on the table and ran away. See you on the street.

The young woman's words were horrible. The following day I told my mom everything. The mother didn't utter a word. I said mother can not keep her in our house. The girl is not to blame. My mother said that such girls fall into the trap of rich people and then take everything away. It is not right to believe them. I suddenly looked at the guest room and saw that the girl was silently shedding tears after hearing all our words. The young woman told me I was leaving. Thank you for giving me shelter last night." I asked the girl where to go? The girl said I don't know. Then she wiped away the tears and left.

I have never been able to stand as a human being. Good, stay away, my name is at the end of all the bad books. Maybe one day I and the people will stand in line. In any case, I don't perceive any chance.

After that I almost forgot about the girl. I am sitting in a park after about three years. Suddenly a girl with a veil on her face came and asked how are you brother? I said I'm fine. The girl was leaving without saying anything. I called and said, who are you? The girl said I was Ahna who was saved from the hands of a pagan husband for three years. I remembered that day later. I said, why are you covering your face? He said that if you see my face, you may also hate and not recognize. Like my own mother did not recognize. Without saying anything else, the girl left. I became speechless and looked at the girl leaving and started thinking about her fate.