• Waiting for Love A Real Love Story

It can be said that I have a lot of feelings for Irene Bhabhi. Despite having a husband, why does the girl talk to me in such a pleasant manner? There was never a glimmer of celebration or joy around me. Why the feeling of spirits does not work in my body. The house I live in for a few days is two stories high. Irene Bhabhi has been married for five months. Her husband is Afzal Bhai. Afzal Bhai's age will be around forty five. As such, the age of Afzal Bhai is very different from the age of Irene Bhabhi. Irene Bhabhi is twenty years old. Four years younger than me. Then called Bhabhi. Oli alley in this city, I am not familiar with the wind. Not familiar with the crows of the cuckoo flying in the sky of this city. Not familiar with the people of this city. I wonder if the people of this city are waiting for time in deep darkness like me? Akash has not been feeling well for some time. Suddenly she cries. This just started crying again. I'm standing by the window. After a while I saw Irene Bhabhi coming up to the roof. He got up and ran to my room. She let go of her braided hair and shook it with her hands. I said...

He remained a little silent. The reason for his silence is beyond my comprehension. Then he said hesitantly .. I am coming to see the rain with you. I didn't say anything. Why am I indulging in his behavior? I also know that none of this should happen. Irene Bhabhi brings her open hair in front of her shoulder and tells me .. Wet? I do not indicate the index with the head. He started laughing. Then he said ... Do you understand that you are scared? I think if you see someone will say different things, right? He went to the door and leaned on one side of the door, touching the raindrops with his hand. And multiplying ...
You are my joy
Was in my game
So I forgot to spend the day happily
My secret is the song of my sorrow and happiness in my deep soul
You set the tone, I didn't sing your song ...

I listened in silence. He looks at me and says .. do you know why I like talking to you? I do not indicate the index. Meanwhile, the rain is slowly decreasing. Her crying seems to have stopped for now. Who knows when it will start again. Irene Bhabhi said I wanted someone very much. The man was very simple. I used to try to convince him in size gestures that I like you. He never tried to understand that I liked him. I have to tell the person I like that you like me. If the unspoken words are not revealed, it is seen that at some point he gets lost. I like that man to look like you. Very similar to you. You know I try very hard not to talk to you, I will not come in front of you but this brazen mind does not understand. Well anyway the rain is coming down how am I going.

I have only been in Chittagong for ten days. Afzal Bhai has a pharmacy. I met Afzal Bhai in this pharmacy shop. The day I came to Chittagong, it seemed that the sky above my head had turned upside down. After crossing the road, I collided with the CNG and fell down. When I cut off my forehead, the CNG driver Matin Bhai brought me to Afzal Bhai's shop. There was no fault in the CNG driver. After doing all the stitches, Afzal Bhai says ...
People don't see or hear why. Of course, who knows what was written on the forehead.

I didn't say anything. Of course, what should have been said here, no sentence came to my subconscious mind. My Punjabi was torn. Three years ago my younger sister “Bini” gave me the white Punjabi. For the last three years I have spent Eid with this Punjabi. A lot of it is torn from under my armpits. Seeing my silence, brother Afzal said ...
"Where do you live?"

I look at him and say I am new to your city. I showed the address written on a piece of paper from the pocket of the Punjabi and said .. I was coming to this address. To Mr. Amjad. We met Mr. Amjad in our village. He works in Chittagong customs. He took twenty five thousand rupees to give me a job. I was asked to come to Chittagong. But when I went to this address, I did not get any smell of his existence. Matin Bhai, the driver of CNG, sighed and said .. This time I understand that he is falling into the trap of a hypocrite. For this reason, Kan was walking bored. And Aisa fell in front of my CNG. Saying this, he left Afzal Bhai with my dressing bill and medicine money. As soon as I got up to fix the shoulder bag, Afzal Bhai says ..
"Where are you going now?" Go to the village?

.I shake my head and say I don't know, brother. He looks at me. What does the brain look like in this city? I wonder if the people of this city are cheaters like Mr. Amjad? Thinking about all this, Afzal Bhai came out of the pharmacy shop and walked with me. Calling brother, there is no reason to worry about having this brother. Then come to his house. A young girl opened the door with a knock on the door. There were no clothes on his head. Who says Afzal bhai with clothes on his head when he sees me .. did you come so early today? There is no lunch yet. Brother Afzal went inside and said that there was no one in the room above us. He will be from today. Will you have a problem? I was standing outside. Irene Bhabhi said I don't know, I don't know, will you rent a man inside the house? I don't like these. Afzal Bhai says .. the boy is helpless.

Coming from the village. There is a danger. Not renting. Then what if Irene Bhabhi calls me inside then looks at me for a long time in a nonchalant way. What is your name? I said yes my name is Jahed. Then he said nothing more. He took me to the roof of a one-story house. The room was quite unclean. It is understood that no one stays for a long time. Irene Bhabhi cleans everything and goes with a new bed sheet and pillow. That's how I got up at Afzal Bhai's house. Like Mr. Amjad, the people of this city seemed to be cheaters, did they think that the people of this city are as good as Afzal Bhai? Meanwhile, I am always looking for that Mr. Amjad.

 This city is a lot bigger. As such I am much smaller. Yet my mind did not feel the slightest stinginess to find Mr. Amjad in this huge city. Irene Bhabhi would not talk to me until two days had passed while she was at Afzal Bhai's house. He would not come to the single-storey roof to dry clothes. He used to dry clothes in the yard. Tin rice on top of the room I was given on a one-story roof. I used to meet him while eating like this. Exactly two days later, in the morning, Irene knocked on Bhabhi's door and entered with a cough. The door was open. I looked at him and said a little normal ...
"How are you, Bhabhi?"

He was silent for a while and said that he was fine. I didn't know what to say. Then he said ... Why are you so stupid? I don't know why he called me a fool. But I guess maybe the fool said he paid someone for the job. I said can you tell what people have in mind? Can you tell me what this is in my mind? People trust people. Faith gives people hope. I also gave money believing. And I hoped that this boy who had just passed honors would get a job. After getting the first salary, I will buy a shawl for my mother and a sari for my younger sister. But see nothing happened. I don't know what to say to my mother or my younger sister. They do not know my current situation. He immediately asked his mother to give him a letter but he did not give it. Tell me what to write? Shall I give false peace. The fact that you let me believe it can be a fabricated story.

It turned out that I had killed you and fled with everything. Just then people will tell you why you are so stupid? Just like you told me now. Irene Bhabhi listened to me and left quickly. Afzal Bhai is a very straight man. There is no arrogance, anger, doubt in the mind of man. The next day when I got down from the room, Irene Bhabhi fell in front of me. He said in silence ...

I thought about my husband but I didn't tell him. I said ...
How much hope in the eyes of red sadness,
The long fullness of time in the middle of the next shadow of the sun.
Take my breath away in full hope, I am calm,
I am not the black form of darkness, I am not the fire that will burn. I am water, the calm water that flows ...
He just stared silently. In the afternoon Irene Bhabhi comes to my room. Come and tell m..

I am silently looking at Irene Bhabhi. Then come out. There is no one-story roof railing. I come to the middle of the roof or in front of my room. Irene says ... why don't you talk? I still remained silent. I looked at the sky. Crows are flying in the blue sky. I sighed and looked at him. I'm going to say something just then he said .. I came to talk a little. You don't have a brother at home. I don't have to do much cooking in the morning. The two good and bad things that I will say to a man do not happen. I watch television and lie down. This is how I feel. I thought I could talk to you a couple of times. Ok stay i go Then I call Bhabhi. I talked a lot to Irene Bhabhi that day. I talked about our village, the long flowing river, the river in which I used to bathe as a child. I used to steal mangoes from people's mango trees. Uni also listened quietly with her hand on her cheek. I did not understand that so much emotion will be frozen.

The rain has subsided and the sound of her crying has stopped. Irene Bhabhi walks slowly down. It's been ten days since I told my mother how I was. The light air of this city, does not give me comfort. When I look at the big buildings, my head seems to be spinning. I don't think so. Just like when I think of my father, my head becomes like.

I was then in class six. When I went to school, my mind would fall on Binny. He was four years old then. When will I take him to Bill? I'll drop my fishing rod and Benny will be standing. I will put my footprints in the middle of the green paddy field and walk with him on my shoulders. I had a hint of uneasiness in my mind. One day I came home from school and saw a new guest at home. 

Amma was standing in the yard with Binny on her lap and crying. My mother saw me, pulled me close, hugged me and started crying louder. I kept saying what happened mother? Can you cry? Dad is hitting you again? Mom didn't say anything. I left my mother, went inside the house, left my school bag and looked at the new guest. Dad kept saying loudly ... If I don't want to eat rice, stay at your father's house. Dimu send the cost of your pola maiya. And if I eat rice, I will stay in the next room. I tell my father ... who is this woman? He slapped me a woman kire haramzada? I will call her little mother. Call little mom. I was silent. The flow of blood flowing in my body continues to increase. I went to my little mother and said ... this is my mother's house. You go from here. Can you come to my mother's house?

Mom ran and grabbed me and told me ... be careful not to hit my son. I will get very bad. Binny started crying in fear. Daddy grabbed my mother's hair and said ... Mom * What should I do? Is my brain gone? ... My body is bleeding. Without thinking about what to do or not to do, I brought a pot from home and gave it three blows on the legs as a puppy. At that time I wanted to pull my heart and take it away.

After the village arbitrator, my mother took me and Binny to Nanu's house. After that, the rest of his childhood was spent in the storm, storm, light and wind of his grandfather's house. The mischievous age of my childhood is gone.

After passing the chapter of school life, I met Afia a few days after I was admitted to the college. The search for the spirits of life has not yet reached my grasp. When the light of the scorching sun falls on Afia's face, I look anxiously. The clang of her anklets moved my heart too. Then the schedule of my life started to change gradually. The name of each chapter of the table of contents seemed to be Afia. At a certain age, every human being gets a touch of good feeling in his mind, which is no exception. Afia, the youngest daughter of Principal Zafar Sir. Sir's daughter says I never talked to her. My mind also wanted to talk to him. The unspoken words would not let me sleep peacefully in the dead of night. Why am I so hesitant to talk to a chaotic shadow? What is so scary? But this hesitation and fear did not consume me for long. A few days later, I approached Afia and said hesitantly ...
"Can I talk to you?"

He looked at me with a surprised look. Then he shook his head and gestured and said yes, what should I say? I said in silence ...

I haven't talked to you for a long time. Because you're a girl, Jafar Sir. But I don't know what to talk to you about. All these thoughts make me uneasy. I keep doing it. I don't even know why. I just feel like talking to you will make me feel better, so I'm coming to talk. Believe me, I talk to you every day. I don't want to. When the level of restlessness goes too high, I will come to talk a little more. I may not have understood or expected what Aafia would say after listening to me. How do I do that? I say that and I leave. The next day he comes to talk to me and tells me...

I do not answer any of these words. If you ask me again, I will say ... I don't know. But I want to talk to you. If he tells me why not talk?
I have been talking to him every day since that day. I go to different places. Walk in the middle of the paddy field. I crossed the Bash Sako. I drowned in the calm river flowing. I can't understand when I spent so many years. Let's complete the honors together. I like him. And I also know that I also like Afia. But we didn’t tell anyone. Before coming to Chittagong, he told me ...
"Can't you just talk to me?"

I was silent. It was as if the shadow of a black cloud in the sky had overwhelmed him. That day he hugged me very much. Irene Bhabhi's words came to mind. I have to tell my dear man to feel good. Or at some point it is swept away by the current of the river and sinks to the deep bottom.

Eleven days have passed and I can't find Mr. Amjad. As soon as the morning light spread, I went out. Living in a closed room in this city took my breath away. Breathing deeply in the green surroundings of my city spreads peace of mind but breathing in this city does not satisfy me. When I entered the house with the light and air on my body, Afzal Bhai saw me and said ...

"Where did you go? Your fianc is looking for you. When did she make breakfast?
"I went for a walk.

Irene Bhabhi came from inside and said in a little silence ... what if she had gone out? I hesitated to say that you were sleeping so did not want to wake up. Afzal says brother ... so you found that fake Mia? I did not understand the indicative gestures. Then I say I will leave tomorrow. Afzal bhai says we will talk at night. Now he has fresh breakfast. I went to the shop and Afzal bhai left saying this. I was slowly climbing the stairs when Irene Bhabhi called me ...

That's why I came to the room. After a while, bring the future breakfast and put the breakfast plate on the table and eat it. I am silent. Bhabhi goes to the window and looks at the sky through the window. The famine is very cloudy today and maybe it will rain again. Tell me ... will you take me away? What should I say or what should I say nothing is working in my brain. Then he looked at me and smiled and said why did Emma look like that? I have done mischief. I'm not going anywhere without your brother. He has no one but me. Your brother had a previous wife. A girl was also seven years old. The girl's name was Nabila. During the summer mango season, he went to visit his grandfather's house. Who knew this was going to end. Both died in the launch sinking. How can I leave this man? When I leave, this man will lose the will to live. How can you forgive me for having trouble with my message in these few days? I used to come to talk to you because I was alone all day. Eat. With that, Irene walks out the door. Then after a few seconds he comes again and says ... Do you like to eat? Tell me? I'll leave tomorrow and I'll cook for you. I say khichuri. He left with a smile.

I get on the bus to leave one city and go to another. I remember Afzal's brother Irene Bhabhi. I don't know what the people of this city are like but I realize there are some people in this city who are as sociable as Afzal Bhai Irene Bhabhi. The bus continues. I look out the window and let my hair shuffle in the wind. The music is playing on the bus radio and I listen to that song with my eyes closed ...

The broken house of this city

People of different colors

Looking for an empty path

A little lazy time

This is the twist of the city

Easy life wandering in dream selling advertisements and daily stories

So I sang this town song ...

Listening to the songs of this city makes me sleepy. I have no plans to move to another city. My city. In that city there is a touch of the mischief of my youth. My mother's city. That city draws me closer. In the touch of which the rest of my life will be spent in the fresh breath surrounded by green my day. Going to that city, I will tell Afia that I feel good after so many years. I will not leave that city and go to another city. Mom, I'm coming back to your city ...