Love is Blind

Once a boy and a girl friendship on Facebook.
The special thing about God friendship was that
The girl had seen the girl but the girl had never seen the girl

Both used to live in the same city but there was never any time, just online friendship.
Both fell in love with each other
For example, it happens in friendship between boys and girls.
Both loved each other so much
Everyday used to have chating for hours.

Then both of them thought that now should give some love to God, then both of them decided to have milk. Both of them decided that they would meet in the park at 4 pm tomorrow.
The boy asked, how will I recognize you?

So girl, where will I come in pink dress and there will be a white rose in my hand
The next day in the evening, the boy was very happy to meet that girl
After reaching there, what he saw was lost
There was a fat and unsympathetic woman in pink dress who had a white rose in her hand and was older than the boy
But still, the boys remember all those loving things and went ahead and said to that girl
I love you.

And I am your friend you have come here to meet me
A. Hearing that the girl smiled and said that I am not the one you have come to meet.
Your girlfriend is standing there behind the tree, then the woman said that girl
The girl came and asked if what you would have loved if you wanted to be a girl?
The answer to
That girl gave
Yes God has shown that A true love loves you, or A could have gone back from here seeing me because I did not even recognize it.

Where have you also loved the boy, decorated you in your dreams
Every moment you have a sweet feeling that you have felt the fragrance ……
And in God, you did not have any picture
I just know that if I have loved you, I have done it
whatever happens
Hearing girl A, hug the boy….
Tears were flowing from his eyes as he found a true love
Love🌹 is Blind 😎
Friends, who really is, where love is blind, because to love someone's body and not just clean heart is needed