Avanti's words are very surprising
You? When did you come
That's it. I don't solve the question?
Avanti is very stressed over observing Abir better. So Avanti said not to talk

Yes, it's hard to believe, but it's true.
As Abir left this time, he ventured into the room...
Furthermore, Avanti has suffocated in the past...

2 years has been hitched to Abir and Avanti. Truly respectable group of theirs. Out of nowhere, it got irregular, when Avanti's dad-in-law, Md. Afzal Chowdhury, out of nowhere stirred and became deadened... Abir then a new position... After a long getaway, Abir lost the activity lastly his dad...

After quite a while, Abir couldn't find a new line of work which brought about the shadow of an absence of family. Right now answers Abir on the off chance that he needs assistance from his dad
General Chat Lounge
General Chat Lounge

Avanti, wouldn't you be able to do a little difficult for me? This will make your family littler?
Is there an approach to make it littler?

Hey Avanti... There are numerous things. You just hurt me a bit, it won't keep going long... Take a gander at it !!!

Avanti doesn't postpone a minute and afterward hops on Abir's chest and says again...
 All can do, Abir, all !!! Just in case you're as an afterthought.
General Chat Lounge

General Chat Lounge
Abir calls Ananti to think about the words

 Anti? What occurred since I was not reacting?
 Ahh... state yes
 What are you thinking?
 How's your meeting?
Well, however this time it appears that the reward will come. I don't comprehend what will occur.

 Well, today I've cooked your preferred pudding fish. Please, we should eat.
General Chat Lounge
After the supper, Avanti's relative, Rehnuma Begum said
Baba Abir, the back torment is irritated on the off chance that it brings a little back rub

 No mother needs your medication, nothing will occur with the rub.
 But father !!!
 You don't stress Mama !! There will be a framework.
General Chat Lounge
General Chat Lounge

The following morning, Abir goes to meet for his day by day work ie, yet something very similar happens again ...
"Need an influence"

On his way home, Abir saw a nobleman chatting with the rickshaw puller taking his things on the floor.
Abir felt free to state
 Uncle !! If it's all the same to you, I'll help you...
Going on...