A Real Love Story in Real Life

A boy loved a girl very much ... had never met her… ..but looking at her picture all the time, thinking about her words and being happy…When her call comes, she has got a lot of curry. ..The boy lived far away from the girl who never met each other... But the girl also loved him very much, always think for him… It has been a long time since his love story was going on… Who Trust no other experience was even deeper than his love ...

Never used to doubt each other. Regarding anything… One. The day both of them decided to meet … and the boy traveled for 24 hours and reached there on the second day… .The girl also arrived… and they booked a hotel room… ..the girl had a birthday that day… ..Girl Celebrated the birth day of the boy… and wished the boy cut the cake and both hugged each other... both started crying… Khusi ki kare. 

Those who met after a long time. Both spoke very much to each other…At that time there was no place for their happiness. And when the boy started leaving his house, the girl had the same question repeatedly in her mind… and when she was no more, she asked the boy…

Girl… Babu ask one thing... Boy…ha say what happened .. Girl...You spent so much money coming to meet me from so far, but you did not do with me what all boys and girls do…even though I did not stop you.

Boy..giving her a hug. Bola Babu… .If I wanted a body, I would get a lot in peso… .Why I come here for the sake of body… .and. I can not do anything with you right now. If we ever get away, then your respect will not come to a halt .. and your respect will be safe. And you will feel that at the time nothing wrong has happened to me…Then you will be able to move forward… .

But love is heartfelt and it is very nice to see you in front… ..and my babu is very sweet, I am happy to see you like this and all this will continue to happen even after our simplicity. Then we are you. I will never let anything happen to you as long as I live. I love this heart, I do not listen to Jism!

The girl… clung to the boy’s loudness and opened fire in tears… I am so happy I have found my true love… I will never leave you.. I love you man… Never leave me.. Will die without you. Boy… happy luck, I am more than you who got my life so sweet…who loves me so much…and. I go away and do not even think about this…

love you to man..
And the two hugged each other…
True, man is traded in the markets…
heart. If you fall in love there is always true love…

Do not love if you want to die on body
Go somewhere with the fare of the fare….

But by taking the name of true love….
Do not play with someone's life…
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