who flow my life....
The Spring wind resembles a bit...
He is the person who contacted me, she has gone down...
Blossoms Bloom several thousands...
He didn't state that he went away...
Where did he go, didn't come back....
 you! You!

Toward the evening, Disha was sitting alone in the top of the rooftop. He is the person who is the person who is the person who is the person who is the

 stunning! Do you sing admirably? What is the melody of this tune? Most likely for the darling?
 well, for what reason do you comprehend the city to such an extent? Can't be for anybody however a darling?
you hear what you're occurring for?

I miss mother to such an extent.
Oh, that is it? Trump straightforward. Call Mama.
 not excessively mother.

I've never observed a mother who never observed.
out of nowhere?
It's a weird dream the previous evening
I saw it. So perhaps.
what a fantasy?

 leave it. Is it true that you are here at this point? Didn't you go to visit today?
 I'm not feeling better. What a peculiar inclination?
 I don't comprehend. In the event that you get it.

 okay. How about we go.
Vidisha will go. Jinnah is taking a gander at the best approach to bidisha. I don't have the foggiest idea why an unusual dream is working for this stunning young lady. Alright? Did she begin to look all starry eyed at?
I love you to such extent.
It's been a few days. Today is the principal day of bidisha school. Since she knows nothing, Mrs. Rock has concluded that she will get her bicycle on her bicycle. Mrs. Rock called jinn,

 babu indeed, mother.
 Disha, offer me to school. You'll be in the class without a moment's delay.
Cheerful birthday to you... numerous upbeat returns of the day...

 alright, cousin.
Upbeat birthday to you. '
' what amount ssc is your gpa?'
' GPA five. '
' great. I'll pose you 3 inquiries. In the event that you can answer me, at that point 
I will take you. Else, I can't take it. '

' said. '
' reveal to me what amount is the speed of light?'
' 300000000 meters seconds. '
' reveal to me what amount of blood ph is this?'

' 7.4 ' ' what is the mass of combination corrosive?' ' 98 '
' great. I'm going down, you come. '

The first run through in quite a while life is a bicycle. Numerous cheerful returns of the day. Be that as it may, it's a smidgen of dread. He's sitting with his hand on the neck of the jinn. It's anything but an awful thing, however it isn't terrible.

He would go to the class. How could he return?
' tune in to this young lady. '
   Upbeat birthday to you. '
' you are wonderful. '

 In any case, somebody's dress isn't care for him, however present day. Disha would sit on the main seat, yet a young lady from behind brought up her hand and called her.

 would you say you are calling me?
 definitely, sit alongside me. What's your name?

 Vidisha. What's your name?
 date. Alright, tune in, who is the kid who gave you down? Your sweetheart?
 no, for what reason would you like to be a companion? He's my senior.

 Hey, you don't get beau. I need to know he's your sweetheart?
 gracious. Cheerful birthday to you. Why?

 look quite attractive. How do?
 I'm at University.
 does he have a sweetheart?

 I don't have a clue. Why?
 you'll tune in. In the event that you don't adore me, at that point you will be infatuated with me. I like him.
 that is amazing! It's the first occasion when I saw it.
I love you to extent.

 tune in, young lady, don't take a gander at him. Come to concentrate in school or come to discover a sweetheart? On the off chance that you knew it first, I wouldn't sit by you.

This is the thing that he got up and sat on the other seat. Upbeat birthday to you numerous glad returns of the day. Obviously, Disha doesn't have a clue why she is so furious with her? I don't have the foggiest idea how to do it.

Around early afternoon, Jinnah has come to occur from school. Despite the fact that he had a class right now, he doesn't have a clue what he left in class.

 how is the principal day class?
 OK, do you have a sweetheart?
 is this the solution to my inquiry?

 answer my inquiry first.
 better believe it, I have a great deal of young lady companions.
 gracious sweetheart methods sweetheart.

 did you show me in class?
 I don't have the foggiest idea. First said.
 no, no. I love you to such extent.
 who right?

 I'll disclose to you one day.
In a minute, the face got dull. Be that as it may, he has nothing to do with you. However...! 
will run
starting now and into the foreseeable future this time. I can't do it.